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AAI file format

DescriptionAAI (Auburn Animation Image) is a file format used for storing animated images or sequences of images. The format was originally created for use in the Auburn University Animation program, but it has since been adopted as a general-purpose format for animated images.
Technical detailsThe AAI file format is based on the Netpbm image format, which is a simple, portable format for storing images. AAI files can store both static and animated images, as well as metadata such as image dimensions and color depth. Each AAI file contains a sequence of one or more images, arranged in a specific order to create an animation. Each image in the sequence is stored as a separate Netpbm file, which can be either a PBM, PGM, or PPM file. The Netpbm file for each frame of the animation is stored in the AAI file in a specific order, along with metadata describing the order of the frames and other information about the animation.