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ASPX file format

DescriptionASPX is a file format used for web pages designed for Microsoft's ASP.NET framework. It stands for Active Server Pages Extended. ASPX files are dynamic web pages that can contain various types of content, such as text, images, and multimedia elements. They are designed to be displayed on a web browser and are created using programming languages such as C# and Visual Basic. Some of the advantages of using ASPX files include their ability to handle complex data, interact with databases, and provide dynamic functionality to web pages. Additionally, ASPX files can be easily edited and maintained using various web development tools and can be deployed to web servers for access by users worldwide.
Technical detailsThe ASPX format is a component of the Microsoft .NET framework and is commonly used to build dynamic web applications. The server-side code contained in an ASPX file can interact with databases, perform calculations, and generate dynamic content based on user input.