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DWF file format

DescriptionDWF (Design Web Format) - This file format was introduced by Autodesk in 1995. The format is specifically designed for the exchange and distribution of computer-aided design (CAD) data. It allows users to share and distribute design data in a compact and secure way. With DWF, you can efficiently communicate and collaborate on design projects between different CAD platforms. This versatile format preserves the integrity of design data, including 2D and 3D drawings, annotations, and metadata, while providing efficient viewing and printing capabilities. DWF makes it easy to collaborate on projects and improve productivity for architectural, engineering, or construction projects.
Technical detailsDWF (Design Web Format) - The format includes the following technical features: DWF files are organized as composite documents to ensure quick data retrieval for design information. DWF uses binary encoding for storing and transmitting data. It supports 2D and 3D representations of geometry and can apply compression methods like ZIP and LZ77. DWF also includes the concept of layers for better visibility and control. Metadata can be stored in DWF files to aid in information searches. DWF allows for markups, annotations, and comments to be added to files. It supports hyperlinks and can be viewed using various software applications on different platforms and devices. Security features like password protection and digital rights management are available in DWF. This format allows for efficient storage and transmission of design data, enhancing collaboration and communication within the CAD industry.