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PAGES file format

Google Docs
Pages 4.3
Pages 5.0
Pages 5.5
Main programApple iWork
Description.pages (Apple Pages Document) The .pages format is the file format used by Apple Pages, a word processor and page layout program part of the iWork productivity suite. Pages documents can include text, images, tables, graphs, and other media. The format is designed for ease of use and offers various templates for different types of documents. However, .pages files are primarily used within the Apple ecosystem and may require conversion or exporting to more universal formats (like .docx or .pdf) for compatibility with non-Apple software.
Technical detailsThe `.pages` file format is linked to Apple's Pages app, which is part of the iWork suite for macOS and iOS. This format is versatile, suitable for both simple text documents and complex layouts with images and graphics. `.pages` files are packaged with multiple files and directories, which is typical for more intricate documents on macOS. By renaming the file to `.zip`, users can access its contents, including an XML file for the document's main content and additional resources like images. Each `.pages` file usually includes a preview image in PDF or JPEG format. Specifically designed for Pages, this format can also be exported to more common formats like PDF or .docx. Thanks to integration with iCloud, Pages allows for easy synchronization and sharing of documents across Apple devices, and offers collaborative features such as track changes. With a focus on accessibility and support for multiple languages, Pages provides a variety of document creation features - from text styling to multimedia integration - making `.pages` a versatile tool within the Apple ecosystem.
MIME type