PNG file format
Extension | .png |
Category | images |
Programs | Apple Preview Microsoft Windows Photos Adobe Photoshop CC Corel Paint Shop Pro Microsoft Windows Photo Gallery Viewer |
Main program | Microsoft Paint |
Description | .png (Portable Network Graphics) The .png format is a raster graphics file format that supports lossless data compression. PNG files are widely used on the internet due to their efficient compression and support for transparent backgrounds. |
Technical details | Here are some technical details about the .png format: - Lossless Compression: PNG uses lossless compression, preserving all image data during compression. This is unlike formats like JPEG, which are lossy and discard some information for smaller file sizes. - Bit Depth: PNG images can range from 1-bit (black and white) to 48-bit color, and also supports 16-bit grayscale images. - Transparency Support: A key feature of PNG is its support for alpha channel transparency, allowing for varying levels of transparency in the image, from fully opaque to fully transparent. This is particularly useful for web graphics. - Color Palettes: PNG supports truecolor (16 million colors) as well as indexed-color images with a palette of up to 256 colors. |
MIME type | image/png |
png converter
png to artpng to bmppng to cgmpng to curpng to emfpng to gifpng to hdrpng to icopng to jpegpng to matpng to mngpng to palmpng to pampng to pbmpng to pcxpng to pespng to pgmpng to pnmpng to ppmpng to psbpng to psdpng to svgpng to tgapng to tiffpng to uyvypng to viffpng to xbmpng to htmlpng to pdfpng to docpng to docxpng to rtfpng to dxfpng to epspng to wmfpng to pptpng to jpgpng to epubpng to mobipng to rarpng to zippng to 7zpng to aipng to mp3png to mp4png to oxpspng to avipng to movpng to mpegpng to tifpng to ddspng to rawpng to webppng to heicpng to pspng to pltpng to heifpng to avifpng to patpng to csspng to vsspng to jpepng to jp2png to rgbpng to jpspng to mappng to jifpng to jbgpng to xpmpng to yuvpng to rgbapng to svgz
png converter
arw to pngbmp to pngcgm to pngcr2 to pngcrw to pngcur to pngdcm to pngdng to pngemf to pnggif to pnghdr to pngico to pngjpeg to pngmat to pngmng to pngnef to pngorf to pngpalm to pngpam to pngpbm to pngpcx to pngpes to pngpgm to pngpict to pngpnm to pngppm to pngpsd to pngraf to pngrle to pngsvg to pngtga to pngtiff to pngttf to pnguyvy to pngviff to pngwpg to pngxcf to pngxwd to pnghtml to pngpdf to pngdoc to pngdocx to pngxls to pngxlsx to pngpptx to pngodt to pngwps to pngdot to pngrtf to pngtxt to pngcsv to pngodp to pngodg to pngdxf to pngeps to pngpcd to pngpct to pngwmf to pngppt to pngjpg to pngepub to pngrar to pngai to pngmp3 to pngmp4 to pngxps to pngoxps to pngcbr to pngcbz to pngavi to pngflv to pngmov to pngswf to pngwebm to pngwmv to pngtif to pnghtm to pngkey to pngdds to pngdwg to pngraw to pngwebp to pngpub to pngcdr to pngheic to pngwoff to pngps to pngplt to pngjfif to pngotf to pngheif to pngavif to pngvideo to pngcad to pngpsp to pngfig to pngmovie to pngsrf to pngsite to pngvsd to pngjpe to pngjp2 to pngrgb to pngjps to pngexr to pngwbmp to pngmap to pngbin to pngjif to pngjbg to pngxpm to pngpef to pngrw2 to pngwmz to pngvsdx to pngsvgz to pngdpx to pngcmx to png