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SVG file format

Adobe Photoshop
Apple Preview
Corel Paint Shop Pro
Corel SVG Viewer
Description.svg (Scalable Vector Graphics) The .svg format is an XML-based vector image format for two-dimensional graphics with support for interactivity and animation. They are scalable to different sizes without losing quality, making them ideal for high-resolution displays and responsive web design.
Technical detailsThe key technical details:
Vector Graphics: Scalable without loss of quality, ideal for logos and icons.
XML-Based: Human-readable and editable with text editors.
Interactivity and Animation: Supports JavaScript and CSS for interactivity.
Website Standards: Integrates well with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for web graphics.
DOM Integration: Manipulable in the web's Document Object Model (DOM).
Accessibility: Text is selectable and searchable, more accessible than raster.
Cross-platform: Supported on modern browsers and platforms.
File Size: Smaller than raster for icons and logos, but can get large.
MIME type