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SXW file format

OpenOffice Writer
Main programStarOffice Writer
DescriptionSXW is a file extension used for OpenOffice Writer documents. It is a word processing document file format based on XML and is utilized by the OpenOffice Writer program. SXW files typically include formatted text, images, tables, and other elements commonly found in word processing documents. This file format is similar to Microsoft Word's DOC format.
Technical detailsThe SXW file format is an open standard, allowing it to be utilized by any software program that supports the format. This format is designed to be easily edited and can be converted into other file formats such as PDF, HTML, or Microsoft Word. SXW files are typically created and edited using OpenOffice Writer, a component of the OpenOffice suite of productivity software. This software is available for free download from the OpenOffice website and is compatible with Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems.
MIME type