Casa  /  Video in gif api

  • Prepaid packages
  • Prepaid packages
  • Prepaid packages

require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

$apiKey = 'myApiKey';

$client = new Webpractik\OcfConverter\Sdk\OcfClient($apiKey);

$filePath = '/path/to/file/to/convert.png';
$extensionToConvertTo = 'pdf';

try {
    $task = $client->uploadFile($filePath, $extensionToConvertTo);

    $result = $task->waitForConversion();

    if ($result->isSuccess()) {
        $resultUrl = $result->getResultingFileUrl();

        $resultFileName = basename($resultUrl);

        if (file_put_contents($resultFileName, file_get_contents($resultUrl))) {
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

Vantaggi dell'utilizzo della nostra API

Il nostro sito web di conversione file online presenta il potente "API da Video a GIF." Scopri i numerosi vantaggi che rendono il nostro convertitore la scelta definitiva per convertire video in GIF senza sforzo.
Dimensione file illimitata
Users can convert files of any size without restrictions, providing convenience and flexibility when working with a variety of data.
Tempo massimo di conversione illimitato per file
The absence of time restrictions on the conversion process allows you to process even large and complex files without having to wait for the process to complete.
Conversioni simultanee illimitate
Users have the ability to simultaneously convert multiple files, which increases efficiency and saves time when working with large amounts of data.
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